

角色的視線範圍有限,鬼的視線範圍和移動速度都比玩家更大一點 ,雙方都需要視線範圍交錯才有辦法知道對方進入範圍了,但是人可能能提早知道鬼進來房間了(因為自己無法離開房間)。


This is a multi-player game for four, like TAG.Three players are Human.One player is Ghost.

Game starts in four dark rooms. Human has to collect all divine items to seal Ghost at divine checkpoint before Daybreak to win the game. Ghost wins the game by turning all Human into Ghost-newbies or avoid being seal by Human until Daybreak.

At the beginning of the game, divine items are scattered randomly all over rooms. Four rooms are set into a loop. (Room 1>2>3>4>1) .Human can only teleport to the next room forwardly while Ghost can do it forwardly or backwardly. Human cannot teleport while in the same room with Ghost. However, Ghost can only stay at each room for a limited time and will be teleported mandatorily to next room. 

There are Cooldowns between each teleportation(around 30 seconds). During Cooldowns, Human has to search for the divine items and dodge away from Ghost.
While, Ghost will suck the soul out from Human and turn them into ghost-newbies.

Ghost-newbies cannot carry any divine item and have to search for their lost souls first in order to reborn. Each lost souls are being torn into 3 parts. 
Players can only notice the others while both of them are within each visual range. Ghost’s visual range and moving speed is much more than Human’s.


windows.zip 31 MB

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